Complete solution how to play xbox games on xbox 360

How to setup your XBOX360 to play XBOX1 games:
Things you will need:
1. Xbox 360 (JTAG/RGH)
2. Internal HDD for XBOX360
3. XBOX Emulator or Hacked Compatibility Files (more games playable) (Partition 2 in download section)
4. Partition 2 file (If you already don't have on HDD)
How To:
1. Connect your Xbox 360 HDD to your PC either using a transfer cable or via SATA
2. Open Xplorer360 Extreme2
3. Click On Partition 2
4. Go to your Compatibility folder and Delete the contents
5. Now replace the contents with the hacked files provided
6. Next connect your HDD back up to your Jtag/RGH
7. select HDD1
8. Now in the root of HDD1 make a folder and name it Xbox1
9. This is where you will put all off your Xbox Original games
10. Enjoy
Restoring Partition 2 if is missing on your HDD:
1. Download Xbox 360 hard drive Partition 2
2. After downloading extract the Partition2.bin with WinRAR.
3. Now with the hard drive you want to restore Partition 2 to connected to the PC (transfer cable will work fine)open the drive with Xplorer 360 Extreme 2.

4. After doing that select Drive > Restore Partition 2 and select the Partition2.bin you extracted from the rar file.

5. Let the process finish, you have now restored Partition 2 and can play backwards compatible Xbox games on the 360.
If your hard drive is not 20gb or 120gb do not touch partition 3 as it will corrupt the data on it!
You can restore Partition 2 on hard drives of any size, that includes drives in jtag/rgh consoles.