Complete solution how to play xbox games on xbox 360

Xbox Hacked Emulator Files Download (JTAG/RGH):
:: OverviewThis is a devkit version of the retail xbox360 backwards compatibility thatwas released November 2007.
To install this, copy the Compatibilty folder to your devkits Y drive.You may want to remove any existing files, although this should overwriteall files.
This version has been hacked to play unsupported games, however this doesn'tmean they will work. This release includes a hacked version of the officialfrontend, however you may want to try my replacement frontend which allowsyou to set emulation options for each game.
At the moment there are 556 officially supported games, (ie games that should work100% or close to it). A list of these games is available here:
:: HacksI've attempted to remove any limits on the emulator, although i left in gameratings checks in case you dont want your little ones to play violent games :)This can be toggled in the dashboard anyway. The following hacks were done tothe emulator:
* Xbe signature checks removed (lets you run unsigned code)
* Xbe section hash checks removed (lets u run hacked xbes)
* Game region checks removed (region free baby!)
* Game media checks removed (play games from your hard drive)
* Debug/Devkit xbes supported (run your own xbox1 code)
* Attempt to play unsupported games (doesn't mean it will work hehe)
Partition 2 Download:
To recover partition 2 on your Xbox 360 HDD
Xplorer 360 Extreme2:
Tool can read/write your Xbox/Xbox360 HDD and Xbox360 Memcard on PC